YHWH is very concerned about our hearts. YHWH searches our hearts. Jeremiah 17:10. Romans 8:27.
What is it, in our hearts that YHWH is searching for?
Please examine some scriptures with me.
For starters, it can be said that our "hearts" ARE the feelings, desires and the intentions that we each have, yes?
Y'shua explains that out of the abundance of our hearts, our mouth speaks.
Matthew 15:18.
YHWH knows that often times the things that are in our hearts are not good things. Jeremiah 17:9. Matthew 15:19.
Therefore YHWH encourages us to circumcise our hearts, conform to his will, obey his laws, statutes and judicial decisions. Deuteronomy 10:16, 30:6-10. Romans 2:29.
This is the new covenant, the willful obedience to YHWH's commands.
"Whereof the Holy Spirit is also a witness to us: for after that he had said before, This covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith YHWH, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them, and I will remember their sins and iniquities no more..."
Hebrews 10:15-17. Jeremiah 31:33,34. Ezekiel 36:26,27.
This new covenant, as can be read, is the keeping of YHWH's laws... Or is it a removal of YHWH's laws, wiping them from our hearts and minds?
What does Y'shua say? Matthew 5:17-19, 7:21.
This covenant produces OBEDIENCE from your HEART, obedience that can only be born by love for YHWH. 1John 5:3.
What is it then that YHWH is searching for?
He is searching out those that love him above everyone and everything!
Matthew 22:37,38.
Those that love him and acknowledge his son and keep the commands and laws.
Revelation 14:12.
Circumcise our hearts!
Love YHWH!