The first festival of the biblical year is Passover {Exodus 12:1-14, 20-29}. This night is a time of remembrance of Israels redemption from the death of the first born. The command to observe and teach the Passover is forever {Exodus 12:24}.
The blood of the lamb placed on the doorposts and the lintel told YHWH that this household had accepted his provision for life and YHWH's spirit 'passed over' them.
Passover is completely fulfilled in Y'shua's sacrifice {1 Corinthians 5:7}. We are again commanded to observe this night by Y'shua {Luke 22:19} in its awesome fulfillment as Y'shua offers his body and blood. By eating the bread and wine which represent the Christ, we are accepting him, acknowledging his perfect sacrifice on OUR behalf so that death may "pass us over" {John 6:54}.
Clearly seeing the Passover's fulfillment in the Christ, What can we gain by observing the days of Unleavened bread?
1. Leaven represents sin {1 Corinthians 5:6}. The unleavened bread represents Christs sinless body.
Christ preached..."Repent! For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!" {Matthew 4:17} Therefore let us remove the sin from our lives. Day to day activities cloud the Kingdom priority and these eight days take a special effort and acknowledgement to avoid sin (leaven). Essentially a "poke in the chest" reminding us we have some cleaning up to do {Matthew 5:48}.
2. In ancient Egypt the Israelites were commanded to eat in haste {Exodus 12:11,31}. There was NO TIME to allow the bread to rise or add sourdough (leaven) to the mix {Exodus 12:34,39}.
More so today with the coming tribulation at hand we are commanded to be awake and prepared {Matthew 24,25}. There is NO TIME, we need to heed the Masters instructions.