Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM:" {Exodus 3:14}
Y'shua identifies himself as God, I AM...
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM." {John 8:58}

The I AM's of Y'shua help define Y'shua for us.

"The bread of life" {John 6:35}
"The light of the world" {John 8:12}
"The door" {John 10:9}
"The good shepard" {John 10:11}
"The resurrection and the life" {John 11:25}
"The way, the truth and the life" {John 14:6}
"The true vine" {John 15:1}

We must fellowship day in and day out with Christ. He is the only hope for mankind, we cannot buy or earn or own way. He is "the way", the ONLY way!