The apostle Paul...Are we correct in our understanding of and about Paul, particularly the Scriptures that he was inspired to write?
Are we "right with God" having that yummy Ham dinner this Easter?
Is the Sabbath on Sunday?
Paul spoke (wrote by inspiration) to "those that know the law." {Romans 7:1}
Therefore if we are not well versed in old testament Scriptures, especially the first five books of Moses (the law) we will never properly understand or apply Paul's exhortations and admonishments.
The unlearned (in the old testament Scriptures {Romans 15:4; 2 Timothy 3:16}) and unstable wrest (twist Paul's Scriptures) as other Scriptures to their own destruction. {2 Peter 3:15-17}
(unlearned, unstable + twist = destroyed)
Paul told the Jews in Jerusalem that he committed no offence against the law of the Jews {Acts 25:8}
Paul told the Roman Jews that "he committed nothing against the customs of their fathers". {Acts 28:17} Ahhh... then he upheld the 7th day Sabbath (which is well recorded actually) and he didn't eat ham sandwiches... Or... he is a liar.
Paul himself explains that the law defines sin. {Romans 3:20; 7:7}
Jesus teaches "Not one jot or tittle shall pass from the law...and whoever breaks one of the least commandments and teaches mankind so shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven". {Matthew 5:17-19}
Paul has no authority to override Christ... read {John 13:16}.
Neither Paul or Christ (nor Pastor xyz) has the authority to break or teach contrary to GOD's {Isaiah 8:20}
Paul and Jesus expose the traditions, the religions, the doctrines and commandments of men for what they are. Bondage. Unbearable loads.
While upholding GOD's commandments for what they are "holy, just, and good".{Romans 7:12}
We have been deceived. {Daniel 7:25}