Sunday, July 29, 2012

New World Translation

On the Christian ex JehovahWitness group a post was made...

I blog about the Bible occasionally. If you have time, take a minute and read my thoughts about the JW NWT. I also talk about some of the last few verses in the book of Revelations. Feel free to leave a comment:
~Cecelia Dowdy~
Alterations of GOD's written Word, in this case the NWT,  is blasphemy. This was my response to her blog.

You have been called of GOD to be one of His children. To overcome the spirit of deception in the Watchtower is no little matter.

The Society HAS changed many verses, omitting some in the NWT. There is a demonic spirit that has power over the leaders who are in their pride modified the NWT to suit their doctrine.

The NWT blasphemes the Son of GOD, denying His deity. Hebrews 1:5, 6…”For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son? And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.” KJV.

The NWT bible I used when “in” was a leather type black bible that felt “good” in my hand and “comfortable” to read and easy to understand. I must admit I liked it.

Some years into the program I picked up a book order to give my four children fresh bibles for field service. Now the Leather versions were not available so we received hardcovers.

Reading through the bibles I noticed that there were no more [brackets]in the bible. The brackets were used to identify words that the Society (admits) to adding into the text for “clarity”.

Continuing to look through the bible I noticed it was the same 1984 (I believe) version of the NWT.
In their arrogance the revised the entire bible without acknowledging they did so. Really?! Then to think about it there are no names signed or acknowleged by this work of men. Only a stamp in the form of a signature that reads “The Translation Comittee” They claim this is so they can give the entire credit to Jehovah. Really?!

Looking back now what right does anyone have to change GOD’s word? Only an unsaved nonbeliever could do such a thing as this or else they would know Revelation 22:18, 19 and other Scriptures they indicate they will be held accountable.

Still looking back, any written documant, article and especially a Bible that does not have proper references and footnotes on who did the research, translation, copying and writing at best is not credible and at worst evil.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's day 2012

This morning my children Elizabeth (5), Robaer (9), Jamie (12m) and Stevie (13f) woke up the pupster in bed. We had breakfast together.

The little La Fleur's presented puperoni with a Red Sox vs Yankees chess set that dad had been eyeing for some time.

This afternoon they are treating me to the "Avengers" movie though I am yet unawares of this surprise.

I could not ask for four betterer or more beautiful kids.

 Thank you Father...

Friday, May 11, 2012

The hour is at hand...

No winter for 2011/2012 in the northeastern United States. Major earthquakes on the increase around the world. Major tornadoes in Massachusetts.

Our economy at home and much the world over has many people looking for work. Many more are working and not able to provide. Some choose not to work. Food is not produced locally.

America is in such tremendous debt to foreign nations it is certain that the only possibility is default. Our money is not backed by any standard other than the governments ability to repay debt owed.

Muslims who attacked our country on September 9, 1999 are building a grandiose mosque on that site.

Our  president has by default supported Iran which is now currently a nuclear power in a region that is destined to explode in war.

Churches across the world, "Christians", and our American president all embrace homosexuality and gay marriages.

Publicly the ten commandments and prayer are now illegal. Sorcery [drugs] are becoming legal.

Good is bad and bad is good.

The time IS here, the time IS now. The produce is ripe for the angelic harvest. The weeds will be harvested... for the furnace of everlasting fire and torment... the wheat will be harvested for salvation; loosed from this evil age.

GOD loves all people, all mankind... so much so HE paid the ultimate price...HE gave the ultimate sacrifice. Once for all time His blood was spilt and yes He is a man... Y'shua (Jesus). His blood has been spilt to redeem all mankind [that believes in Him].
Sadly, many will refuse this precious offer of life. Some will pass the body and blood of Christ to the next person, they believe it is not for them. Others... they have heard of Jesus but do not believe. Others believe but are waiting for a more convenient time, today is not good for them. Still others more believe but do not believe GOD will destroy them for remaining in their sins; they have accepted the blasphemy that a just GOD would not destroy His loved creations in Hell.

 Believe. Repent. Be Baptised. Be Born Again.

All do sin... believers and non believers. All do sin both the saved and the unsaved. The difference is the saved do not just simply believe in Jesus, they have repented. They have confessed their sins and if they find themselves in sin as each day they do, they confess their sins to GOD. They choose not to sin, they are obedient to GOD's laws as they are written upon their mind and heart.

One third of all the angels GOD created choose to follow satan. Those angels are demons, evil spirits, thousands upon thousands of unseen demons cast out of heaven are in the realm (air) of the Earth influencing all people that are not saved. These spirits dominate every governmental and religious organization on the planet. satan is the prince of the power of the air... every form of media is under his control. These evil spirits work in many ways... by dominating our leaders they manipulate local and world events without us considering that truth. By dominating the television, radio, internet, electronic games and even telephones evil spirits have near total control of our twentieth century senses and we do not even know it. Saved believers are targeted specifically. Voices, noises, manipulation of unsaved associates and many other wiles are used to deceive and torment the children of GOD. Possessions, sicknesses and diseases ail some unsaved people.

This is the war being waged. Everything possible seemingly good and bad is being done to steer us away from believing in, accepting and being obedient to Y'shua (Jesus).

GOD is perfect and just. If we choose to remain in sin if we choose to be in communion with sinners we WILL be separated from GOD. His day of judgement and wrath is ever closer. GOD keeps just weights. The scales have been set. We have a choice... the wages of sin are death, eternity in hell. The price we pay is damnation or ... we may accept the gift of salvation,  dedicate or rededicate ourselves to Y'shua (Jesus)... the price has already been paid for us.

The time is now at hand.

...or maybe its just me. We'll  see!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Three days and three nights

Jesus clearly said He would be in the heart of the Earth for 3 days and 3 nights. Matthew 12:40.

During that time He preached to the Spirits in Hell or prison. He did this so that all before and after His 1st advent on Earth would have the opportunity of following Him. 1 Peter 3:18-19.

He had His symbolic meal, establishing the New Covenant on the 14th of the first month (Abib or Nisan). The meal happened after sunset which is the start of the 14th day.

He prayed, was betrayed, arrested, tried, was beaten, crucified and buried all on the 14th which was Biblically (old testemant) the Passover and preperation day.

At sunset began the 15th; in Jesus' time as is today traditionally called Passover or Unleavend bread, but Biblically Passover was the previous day.
After Babylonian captivity Jews combined the two days and the gospels record as such. Any Jewish calender too confirms that the Jews in Jesus day and today have Passover on the 15th. Exodus 12 confirms the 14th.

At sunset the 15th Jesus was already buried. This was a Sabbath or Holy day but not the 7th day Sabbath. It was a Wednesday night, Thursday day. It was biblically the 1st of Unleavened bread, traditionally then as now Passover as well.

Jesus was in the grave Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights; and Thursday, Friday, Saturday days. Some time on the first day beginning Saturday night at sundown and before dawn on Sunday morning (all the 1st day) Jesus was resurrected. When Mary arrived at sunrise He was already up.

Those 3 days and nights Jesus preached as Peter records to those in the grave. What their condition was or how He did what He did GOD knows, but it is what Holy Spirit records and what was done.

Jesus had to be in the grave 3 days and 3 nights in order to fulfill Scriptural and His own prophecy.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Passover 2012

Biblical Passover.

Old testament...

On the night of the 14th, that is the date for the biblical Passover meal, after

sunset, Exodus 12:6 & 8.

Passover is though not a "Holy day" or a Sabbath though there is a command to

remember and observe.

The following day... the 1st of unleavened bread is the Holy day, a Sabbath.

The "Passover" (14th, starting at sunset to the next sunset) is the day of


The Passover was a working day, the day of preperation. The ancient Israelites

had work to do this day and they would be fleeing Egypt on this day.

Again consider... the day of preperation is not a Friday it is the Passover


The 1st day of unleavened bread (the 15th) was a rest, a Holy day, a Sabbath.

What is recorded in the New Testament deviates from the old regarding Passover.

How so? The Jews some time after returning from Babylon combined Passover with

the 1st day of unleavened bread. Calling it either Passover or Unleavened bread.

Passover was not then in Jesus day nor is it today in Judaism celebrated on the

14th as GOD commanded.

The combination of the two making Passover a Holy day or Sabbath celebrated on

the 15th.

This is how it is recorded in the Gospel accounts.

Today as in Jesus day the observance of the Passover meal is on the 15th (not

the biblically commanded 14th). When Jesus had the Last Supper, it was on the

proper day for the biblical Passover.

Compare Leviticus 23:5 & 6, Exodus 12:6 & 8 with any modern Jewish calender.

Yet Jesus although not having a biblical Passover meal (no lamb...He is the

lamb)... He did celebrate on the correct night. His Jewish brethern then and

today celebrate 1 night late.

Jews then did not then eat the lamb on the 14th as commanded but the 15th see

Exodus 12:6 & 8.

Jesus our Passover (Salvation) was slaughtered the same time as the Passover

lambs. And even though the "traditional" celebration is not entirely biblical

Jesus did fullfil the Scripture as to being slaughtered at the proper time... on

the 14th between the evenings, Exodus 12:6.

This fulfills Jesus Words that He would be in the heart of the Earth 3 days and

3 nights. Day starting at sunset.

(Tuesday) 14th N is the Last Supper (biblical Passover)

(Wednesday) Passover. 14th D, died and buried.

(Wednesday)1st Unleavened bread. 15th N, #1. N

(Thursday) 1st unleavened bread. 15th D, #1. D

(Thursday) 16th N, #2. N

(Friday) 16th D, #2. D

(Friday) 7th day Sabbath 17th N, #3. N

(Saturday)7th day Sabbath 17th D, #3. D

(Saturay) 18th N Resurrected

(Sunday) First fruits 18th D Tomb found empty @ sunrise.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Book of Esther

This past Sabbath was near the biblical day of Purim.

Although the LaFleur family believes in Christ and even though we are not Jewish this story has plenty of application inspired for us to learn from.

So for our Family Worship service on Sabbath 3/10/2012 each child took a part in a play telling the Purim Story.

Stevie our oldest daughter was the narrator. Jamie our twelve year old son played the part of King Ashverosh of Persia. Robaer filled in as the evil Haman. And Elizabeth with Mom's help (Kathy) rounded out the cast by playing the part of beautiful Queen Esther.

Each child had a piece in the story that teaches us that.... sadly some of those who we think (at the time) our our friends may very well be in fact enemies...

 [ As was the case for the Jewish people in recent history in Poland, Germany, Austria, Romania, etc. etc. Painfully on both personal and national levels.] A modern day fulfillment can be seen again with the Nation of Persia... Iran. The nations that are Israel's "friends" had recently spoken firmly in defense of Israel and condemning the hate filled policy and weapons program in Iran... only to quickly turn around and do a song and dance for the world to see. This will only prolong the conflict for another day as "Persia" builds itself up with weapons of mass destruction intended for Jewish and Christian blood.

...Each child had a part in Purim, a story that GOD recorded for us to remember that... GOD saves His people!

GOD has a plan, He has sent His Son... King Y'shua (Jesus) to save us, you and me. The work has been done, but action IS required. We need to believe, repent and be baptised in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. We must be born again, meaning that... GOD's Holy Spirit dwells inside of us to guide us. And to the best of our ability we are to follow the footsteps of our Saviour. This is the only way paved for us to walk unto salvation, life eternal!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Bible Study online with Christian Ex-Witnesses

 We will be covering one chapter per week. We will begin with Week 1, chapter 1
and discussion question #1. I will put discussion question #2 in another post.
Feel free to answer at anytime.

1)JOHN 1:1-4 The other gospel books begin with the birth
of Jesus, but John starts his gospel with the words In the beginning.
(1 Corinthians 8:6, Colossians 1:16, Hebrews 1:2)

What other book of the Bible begins the same way?
Why is John drawing this to our attention?

My reply...
The Gospel account from John starts at creation.

John is making us aware that GOD came to Earth as a man who we call Jesus.
Both John 1:1 & Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning..."
Genesis 1:3,6,9... "Then GOD said..." is The Word, Jesus.
Genesis 1:26 Then GOD said (Jesus)... "Let Us make man in Our image..." All agree the Father is GOD. Jesus, the Word too is GOD.
Genesis 1:2 "And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." Also part of the "Us" and the "Our" of GOD, the Holy Spirit. {1 John 5:7}
John lays it right out on the table for us regarding the Diety of Jesus and what He has done. This is new for me, about 2 years now and every time I look at it I see something more. Looking at it today I can't believe that I couldn't see what was in front of me all this time.