We will be covering one chapter per week. We will begin with Week 1, chapter 1
and discussion question #1. I will put discussion question #2 in another post.
Feel free to answer at anytime.
1)JOHN 1:1-4 The other gospel books begin with the birth
of Jesus, but John starts his gospel with the words In the beginning.
(1 Corinthians 8:6, Colossians 1:16, Hebrews 1:2)
What other book of the Bible begins the same way?
Why is John drawing this to our attention?
My reply...
The Gospel account from John starts at creation.
John is making us aware that GOD came to Earth as a man who we call Jesus.
Both John 1:1 & Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning..."
Genesis 1:3,6,9... "Then GOD said..." is The Word, Jesus.
Genesis 1:26 Then GOD said (Jesus)... "Let Us make man in Our image..." All agree the Father is GOD. Jesus, the Word too is GOD.
Genesis 1:2 "And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." Also part of the "Us" and the "Our" of GOD, the Holy Spirit. {1 John 5:7}
John lays it right out on the table for us regarding the Diety of Jesus and what He has done. This is new for me, about 2 years now and every time I look at it I see something more. Looking at it today I can't believe that I couldn't see what was in front of me all this time.