Saturday, March 5, 2016

Christ's Memorial/Last Supper/Passover/Easter

Jehovah's Witnesses will respectfully celebrate the anniversary of  Jesus' Last Supper on March 23, 2016.

Christians partake of the bread and wine as a form of worship and rightly so, as Jesus instructed. Many partake once a month or from time to time. More and more are now following the harmony of the Scriptures and aligning a communion service with the biblical date of the Last Supper (one day before Passover/ four days before Easter).

However, Jehovah's Witnesses, the vast majority of their members REFUSE to "partake of the symbols" (Eating and drinking the unleavened bread and red wine, symbolizing Jesus flesh and blood).

During their service commemorating this meal, they observe only. Most or all in attendance pass the wine pass and the bread without eating or drinking!

Jehovah's Witnesses... this is REJECTING your Saviour!!!! Satan smiles as you reject your Messiah. Yes, even with a good heart and with good intentions this is an act of rejecting Jesus!!! This is a blasphemous act!  Do NOT let the plate or cup pass you by without eating and drinking.
Please read John chapter 6.

Two earlier posts, shared again...
(1.) March 30th, 2010; Tuesday night is the anniversary of our Lord's Supper.
Y'shua celebrated Passover with his disciples, the bread and wine symbolizing Christ's flesh and blood given that we may attain life everlasting.
The following day, also Passover, is the anniversary of Christ's sacrifice and burial.
After Three more days Y'shua was resurrected to life.

"I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world." {John 6:51 NKJV}

And He took the bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me."
Likewise He also took the cup after supper, saying, "This cup is the New Covenant in My blood, which is shed for you."
{Luke 22:19,20 NKJV}

For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes. {1 Corinthians 11:26 NKJV}

(2.) Biblical Passover.

Old testament...

On the night of the 14th, that is the date for the biblical Passover meal, after

sunset, Exodus 12:6 & 8.

Passover is though not a "Holy day" or a Sabbath though there is a command to

remember and observe.

The following day... the 1st of unleavened bread is the Holy day, a Sabbath.

The "Passover" (14th, starting at sunset to the next sunset) is the day of


The Passover was a working day, the day of preparation. The ancient Israelites

had work to do this day and they would be fleeing Egypt on this day.

Again consider... the day of preparation is not a Friday it is the Passover


The 1st day of unleavened bread (the 15th) was a rest, a Holy day, a Sabbath.

What is recorded in the New Testament deviates from the old regarding Passover.

How so? The Jews some time after returning from Babylon combined Passover with

the 1st day of unleavened bread. Calling it either Passover or Unleavened bread.

Passover was not then in Jesus day nor is it today in Judaism celebrated on the

14th as GOD commanded.

The combination of the two making Passover a Holy day or Sabbath celebrated on

the 15th.

This is how it is recorded in the Gospel accounts.

Today as in Jesus day the observance of the Passover meal is on the 15th (not

the biblically commanded 14th). When Jesus had the Last Supper, it was on the

proper day for the biblical Passover.

Compare Leviticus 23:5 & 6, Exodus 12:6 & 8 with any modern Jewish calendar.

Yet Jesus although not having a biblical Passover meal (no lamb...He is the

lamb)... He did celebrate on the correct night. His Jewish brethren then and

today celebrate 1 night late.

Jews then did not then eat the lamb on the 14th as commanded but the 15th see

Exodus 12:6 & 8.

Jesus our Passover (Salvation) was slaughtered the same time as the Passover

lambs. And even though the "traditional" celebration is not entirely biblical

Jesus did fulfill the Scripture as to being slaughtered at the proper time... on

the 14th between the evenings, Exodus 12:6.

This fulfills Jesus Words that He would be in the heart of the Earth 3 days and

3 nights. Day starting at sunset.

(Tuesday) 14th N is the Last Supper (biblical Passover)

(Wednesday) Passover. 14th D, died and buried.

(Wednesday)1st Unleavened bread. 15th N, #1. N

(Thursday) 1st unleavened bread. 15th D, #1. D

(Thursday) 16th N, #2. N

(Friday) 16th D, #2. D

(Friday) 7th day Sabbath 17th N, #3. N

(Saturday)7th day Sabbath 17th D, #3. D

(Saturay) 18th N Resurrected

(Sunday) First fruits 18th D Tomb found empty @ sunrise.