This is a copy of a letter sent to acknowledge GOD's answer to prayer and thank those that prayed on our behalf...
This saga began when a new foster child, Elizabeth, was placed with us in February 2007. She was three weeks old, not cleared of HIV and had been rejected by eight other homes and was supposed to stay for a very short term. She had issues and was a tough baby to begin with but we fell in love with her anyway.
At 6mos. old the state decided to pursue the "goal of adoption". We were asked if we would be interested and we jumped at the offer. She would be our final child.
When the goal changes as it did, a new "worker" is assigned to complete the process. In Elizabeth's case this worker made it clear that she had other plans for Elizabeth and that unless we accepted Elizabeth's older biological brother who had yet not been adopted, then Elizabeth would not be staying with us. We love Elizabeth, didn't know the brother and neither did Elizabeth, our home was full with Elizabeth and we were crushed with the possibility of losing her.
Shortly after, the state flip flopped on their assessment of the biological mother's situation and they set a goal to "unite" Elizabeth with her mother. We never expected the court to see things the same way but in the summer of 2008 we were ordered to deliver Elizabeth to her biological mother in a woman's shelter. This was the first time Elizabeth would be away from (our) home for any extended period. We should have been shut out of her life at this point.
The bio-mom knew Elizabeth's entire life on Earth was with us, we were Mom and Dad. The bio- mom knew we were heart-broken leaving her, she felt pity. GOD put it into her heart and mind to allow us to continue our relationship with them through regular visits.
Against all sense and sanity, advise from family and friends; sometimes opposing the state's recommendations, we did not sever our relationship with Elizabeth. We visited every week and often had her home for the weekends.
Her bio-mom graduated early from the program at the shelter and she and Elizabeth moved to their own place near Boston, where we continued to visit regularly. It wasn't very long after the bio-father was released from jail and landed in their home. Very quickly life style changes were clearly going in the wrong direction and soon another care and protection was filed. GOD directed Elizabeth's return to us through an emergency call, would I come and pick her up, which is highly unusual but I dropped everything and went. This was January 2009. Elizabeth was now two years old.
Her return put us back to the beginning of the foster process again but GOD saw fit to have a new worker assigned from a new office. A new beginning but with someone that would do what was in Elizabeth's best interests. It took another two and a half years, Elizabeth remained in our home, part of our family and always in our hearts.
This time frame had it own anxieties as the court system did nothing for Elizabeth's interests yet again and we ended up in the appeals system. This case could have continued for any unlimited amount of time and for a long time we heard nothing.
It was at this time that again we appealed to you for specific prayers and we witnessed first hand our Father's response. We thank you and Him wholeheartedly.
Many might say "things finally worked out" but this was not the case. Divine intervention controlled events. Even as prayers were being said the results were realised. Only by GOD's will is Elizabeth finally and irrevocably our daughter.
In Christ's love,
bOB and Kathy LaFleur