Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Jehovah's Witnesses

My family and I left the Watchtower, the Jehovah's Witnesses, about two years back.
We are shunned for believing in Christ instead of a organization of men representing Christ.
One of the "proofs" that they alone are in the (exclusive) truth is they claim that " By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye love one another." {John 13:35 KJV}
Please be aware... we left for our belief in Christ, we were not removed for unrepentant sin as some are.

The following is presented in no specific order of any kind; many more examples of the WT's lack of Christian love I am sure exist.

There is no love in... blaming readers of the WT for the Societies errors.

In recent times the WT repeatedly promoted 1975 as the end of the world, both in talks, the Watchtower magazine, books and the Kingdom ministry newsletter. Many references to this are available and easily confirmed.

In the WT 7/15/76 pg 441 the Society puts 100% blame on the reader, claiming absolutely no responsibility for what it had taught.

During our time in the organization the WT changed the meaning of "this generation"; the previous teaching of "this generation" refered to those JW's that were born on or around 1914; they being included in the teaching... that they were those spoke of in the "millions living now will never die".

Most born before, during or shortly after 1914 have since died.
(This teaching is not biblical and very difficult to understand; even more difficult to follow as it changes from time to time as it has changed again since our exit.)

This changing error (new light) was not apologized for by our humble leaders nor was a wrong teaching even admitted; 100% blame was put on us, the readers.
You must know that no... absolutely no teaching, understanding or belief comes from the bottom ranks.
That is apostasy and will get you disfellowshipped (shunned) as am I and my family.

The WT 11/1/95 page 17, par 6 states "Jehovah's people (the reader/us) have at times speculated about the time that the great tribulation would break out, even tying this to calculations of what is the lifetime of a generation since 1914... We ( Society, writers/ teachers) bring a heart of wisdom in..."
The WT does the calculating. 1874, 1878, 1881, 1910, 1914, 1915, 1918, 1919, 1975 etc. Of course the WT as well defined for us in their publications and "sermons" just what the lifetime of those included in "this generation" was to be. They, the "Slave" write the magazines and books. The speakers get their information and outlines from the "Slave" (the WT; from the top) and pass it down to us sitting in the halls and convention centers. Yes, the WT defines for us the terms, be them ever changing, of what makes up the doctrine of "this generation", the generation of 1914.

Their most important calculation or date is 1914.

This previous generation understanding, the entire teaching of 1914 is entirely and undeniably found within the pages of the WT publications, especially the "reasoning" book which had remained unchanged for the duration of our membership, and may still be used today at door steps around the world. (This book is used to answer questions about doctrine during bible studies with interested ones.)
By no means and by no way are any thoughts, doctrines or beliefs common among JW's, including and especially those that are implied by the WT's quoted above have ever come from the lower ranks. The WT taught these doctrines.

There is no love in... discouraging "independent thinking". Independant thinking is implied by the above quoted WT's towards the ranks. Truthfully, surprisingly this attempt was and is successful in blaming their readership for teaching their errors. It was and is accepted by loyal JW's.
No independent thinking is to be tolerated. This teaching, this doctrine or law of forbidding to think for your self on doctrinal or even biblical matters is easily found within the pages of the WT publications.
"Trust the Slave".
All question and answer periods during publication studies are "parroted" responses, a very efficient method of mind control. Most comments are "in line with the company", no true free discussion or thoughts (that are not in line with WT teaching) would be tolerated for long.
"Marking" is the first step. Witnesses will "somewhat" withdraw from you, though not completely. You will be called upon less for comments during publication (supposedly bible) studies, and eventually not called on at all.

If this behaviour continues eventually you will be confronted by an Elder who will "correct and encourage" you.
If you continue to demonstrate an understanding that is against Witness doctrine you will very likely be completely shunned.

Keep in mind Elders in our congregation did not shun me for rejecting the authority the "Slave", (the WT) as GOD's channel, nor for keeping 7th day Sabbath neither for abstaining from biblically unclean foods.
The issue was the Deity of Christ; Him receiving due worship; and in the end we choose to write a letter of disassociation which is the same as being disfellowshipped; shunned.

Their is no love in... the doubts that one may have over his or her faith in GOD, Christ and the Scriptures after leaving the WT.
Consciencely or unconsciencely the organization represents GOD, therefore when that is removed... a large spiritual void is there or develops, many then doubt the truths of GOD. One may become apathetic or fall into unbelief.

There is no love in... preventing Bible studies in groups without the aid of the "publications". {Psalms 118:8; 146:3; Acts 17:11}

There is no love in... the immense yoke each Witness bears regarding meeting preparation, attendance and door to door activity. Think of those with small children in school, the single mothers. All members preparing (study) for and attending five meetings a week plus ten hours (an unwritten rule) of door to door activity expected. {Matthew 11:30}

There is no love in... not providing a means of fellowship for children. Children that are alienated from their peers at school and are prohibited from sports and scouting. The WT keeps every dollar in its accounts and investments that should provide for fellowship activities and schools both kindergarden through twelf grade as well as colleges, to better provide for our children now and for their futures while being among fellow believers.
The WT does not provide ANYTHING for their children ( sorry "The Greatest Teacher" book arrived a few conventions prior to much applause). Many children are lost to the world of unbelievers, nominal Christians, drugs and immortality.

There is no love in... not identifying to all the congregation why a person is disfellowshipped, to be avoided. It is not Scriptural. {Matthew 18:17}

There is no love in... withholding an honorable way out. Many families, friends are held hostage by the conditional love they receive due to belonging to the Watchtower group known as Jehovah's Witnesses. Many fine Christians that believe in Christ and lead upright lives are shunned because of this totalitarian and evil control held over the membership.
{Luke 6:27, 32}

I do not hate Jehovah's Witnesses (though they are taught to hate me).
When we belonged, I must honestly say, we could not have asked for a better congregation of members and leaders. Though seperated, shunned...we still very much love those trapped inside.

There is no love in... seperating us from our friends, and for others from their families as well, because of Christian beliefs.
We pray each day that some or all have the courage to serve and acknowledge Christ instead of this body of men that claim to be Jehovah's Slave or channel. {2 Thessalonians 3:15}

There is no love in... the hundreds, the thousands that have died because of the lack of needed blood, blood which although Witnesses themselves will not contribute to the supply there of... they may choose to benefit from that supply of donated blood. (They now for years have the choice of accepting "fractions" of blood.)
This does not even mention the deaths due to the former ban on organ transplants, that too with no apology from the humble "Slave" to the surviving family members.

No command of GOD in itself requires a life, ever.
{Leviticus 17:14,15; Jeremiah 32:35; Luke 14:5}

There is no love in... denying "Christians communion which they ought not reject. {John 6:51-53} The WT essentially (very subtly) replaces the Messiahship of Christ and the grace from GOD with obedience to men (the WT or Slave class).

GOD is watching supposed "Faithful and Discreet Slave". {Hebrews 4:13} I fear for you.